Let’s Talk: Communication at Riverhill

Ms. Akery-6th gradeCommunication is one of the most critically important aspects of any relationship. A breakdown in communication can cause any number of crises from minor to more severe. The parent/teacher relationship is unique in that it requires a great deal of two-way communication to effectively educate each child. The Riverhill staff adopted the word “communicate” as a buzzword for the year; we recognize the importance of good communication skills.

At Riverhill School, we use numerous tools to get the word out about all the exciting things happening at this great place. We utilize our website, our weekly newsletter, the Riverhill Florence Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram. We also use automated Parent Alerts (voice and text) that are sent to the Riverhill Family via phone. All teachers at Riverhill can be contacted via email and even use their personal cell phones to aid in good communication practices with parents.

The above-mentioned methods of communication are frequently updated to ensure messages are clear, up-to-date, and accurate. There are few opportunities to “miss out” on something that is going on at Riverhill School! With that in mind, please note the following Four Things Teachers Wish Parents Knew about Communication at Riverhill.

  • Read the Bear Facts. Mrs. Delbert does a tremendous job creating a concise and informative summary of the “happenings” at Riverhill. In addition, pictures are included that capture our week and they are always delightful.


  • Communication requires TWO. We want to hear from you! Please be assured parent communication to teachers is read and carefully processed. However, please also remember that communication sent to parents does its job ONLY if parents read and process it!


  • Teachers do not use instruction time to make parent contacts. While teachers are teaching, phones are used for internal emergency communication only. If a parent has an emergency concerning a student, please contact our AMAZING front office and they will get the message to teachers. Furthermore, teachers will be diligent to check messages and respond during a time when students are not in the classroom.


  • Encourage your children to be good communicators. Please encourage them to ask questions. Students are always encouraged to share at appropriate times in class. Also, please share the Bear Facts with them! Even though the Bear Facts is designed as a communication tool between staff and parents, the information in the Bear Facts is for and/or about the students!

Shanna Akery, 6th Grade Teacher