Posts Written OnSeptember 2009

Chris and I just recently got back from a weekend trip to Washington, D.C. We went in order to attend the wedding ceremony of our dear friend Scott McGraw to the beautiful Caroline Fischer, which was the sweetest ceremony I have ever attended (including my own). But since the wedding took only a few hours of the collective trip, we had plenty of time to sight see. We like to consider ourselves cityfolk, and because we live in a forgotten corner of the Alabama landscape, we usually head off to some place with tall buildings, public transportation, and indian food.…

I am always a fan of good music, and sometimes I am a fan of bad music too, but every once in a while you find a CD that really makes you think, and speaks to a deeper lever of your soul that just the part that feels the kickdrum. David Ramirez is that guy. He played at a house show in Florence not long ago (shocking, I know) and I bought his album right away. It’s called American Soil. I think the reason his album speaks to my soul like it does is because he decided to go live in…

If there is one thing I really like, it is problem solving. Not all kinds of problem solving, mind you. But solving problems that I deem to think are problems. For instance, if you were playing with matches and burned off your poof bangs- that’s not a problem. You won’t have my help. In fact, I would probably applaud those matches probably for doing you a favor. Or, if you stand in middle of a circle of caffeinated seventh graders who are throwing exacto-knives at each other and you get sliced (which acutally sounds a lot like my first year…