Browsing CategoryCool Stuff I like

Here is a post that I started writing on January 12, but hadn’t finished yet. I had been saving this post since Eloise was born. I figured if I gave it enough time, the inspiration would come. I thought it may take at least a month or two, but three, four, six, seven months have gone by and I’ve got nothing. I have nothing to say about myself. As in, there is no news to report about me. Not that anyone was ever that interested in me in the first place. But the reason I started this blog almost two…

Chris and I just recently got back from a weekend trip to Washington, D.C. We went in order to attend the wedding ceremony of our dear friend Scott McGraw to the beautiful Caroline Fischer, which was the sweetest ceremony I have ever attended (including my own). But since the wedding took only a few hours of the collective trip, we had plenty of time to sight see. We like to consider ourselves cityfolk, and because we live in a forgotten corner of the Alabama landscape, we usually head off to some place with tall buildings, public transportation, and indian food.…

I am always a fan of good music, and sometimes I am a fan of bad music too, but every once in a while you find a CD that really makes you think, and speaks to a deeper lever of your soul that just the part that feels the kickdrum. David Ramirez is that guy. He played at a house show in Florence not long ago (shocking, I know) and I bought his album right away. It’s called American Soil. I think the reason his album speaks to my soul like it does is because he decided to go live in…

If there is one thing I really like, it is problem solving. Not all kinds of problem solving, mind you. But solving problems that I deem to think are problems. For instance, if you were playing with matches and burned off your poof bangs- that’s not a problem. You won’t have my help. In fact, I would probably applaud those matches probably for doing you a favor. Or, if you stand in middle of a circle of caffeinated seventh graders who are throwing exacto-knives at each other and you get sliced (which acutally sounds a lot like my first year…

One of my dreams is to build a commune where all of my friends can come and live. We will have an organic garden, a community swimming hole, a couple of grass fed cows, some free range chickens, community homeschool thingy, and weekly family fun nights with different themes. Hippies Rejoice!  Maybe what I am asking for is a bit too ambitious, or maybe that is what heaven is for, but my version of the American dream is looking a little more communist every day. It takes a village, right? But not a village made of dumb old sticks-in-the-mud. It…